5 Tips to Prepare for Your First Salon Appointment with a Curl Specialist
At many different periods in our lives we have had to go on the hunt for the perfect hair stylists. Whether we’ve relocated, wanted something different or new, maybe our stylist retired or just doesn’t offer a service we’re interested in. We have all found ourselves in this rather precarious position of locating a pro that could meet or exceed our needs.
Listen, when it comes to our hair, we want to be able to entrust our strands to a caring and dedicated pro that will make all of our realistic expectations come true.
We understand that for some of you, it can be a nerve-racking experience to take on your first salon appointment with a brand new stylist, especially if you’re unsure of what to do or say, if you haven’t visited a salon in several years or if you have general anxiety in general with hair stylists.
Trust us, we get it and fully understand the experience first-hand of being a black woman and putting your faith/trust in a professional. This blog post will outline five tips for your first salon appointment with a curl specialist.
No1: Thoroughly Read Through Your Stylist’s Website
Make sure you familiarize yourself with your stylist’s website and carefully read through the instructions that they’ve provided on how to show up to your first salon appointment.
If no specific arrival instructions are provided—don’t stress! Here at Black Girl Curls, we recommend that you arrive to your first appointment in hair that you have cleansed in the past 7 days.
Please do not try to apply any special treatments to your hair (such as protein or deep conditioners), as this will likely be assessed during your first appointment.
“PRO TIP: If you really want to impress your stylist, we suggest planning to arrive to your first appointment in day 3 or 4 hair.”
No2: Treat Your First Appointment Like a First Date
Similarly to a real first date, you don’t really know the other person across the table, but you would like to get to know them better. Also, you would want things to flow naturally and not to make things awkward or uncomfortable.
This is all very true for a first-time salon appointment. We encourage you all to give yourself, your hair and the stylist you have decided to work with grace. First time appointments are the very first time you all are getting together. It’s also the very first time this stylist and their hands are getting into your hair.
No3: Please Don’t Interrogate Your Stylist
If you’re currently a subscriber to our consumer education platform, The SeeSomeCurls Visual Library, or have been subscribed in the past, you know that we discuss the Essential Elements of Hair pretty heavily.
At your first time appointment, please don’t arrive with the expectation to discuss every single unique Essential Element of your hair. We suggest focusing on being able to execute your next set—whether that be a wash & go, twist out or another style. Make sure you’re gaining just enough insight/information so that you can do your next set by yourself at home. Trust us, all that other stuff will not matter on your next wash day.
No4: Communicate Using Your Words
Speaking as professional stylists ourselves, we are not mind readers. Although we can work magic with a head of hair, we are unable to anticipate your every need, want and desire.
It’s important to speak up and properly communicate in that moment what you’re wanting from your stylist during that first appointment. Remember this is a partnership and it’s also your hair and hard-earned coins.
Additionally, if you have an unfavorable experience with a stylist, we highly recommend FIRST reaching out to that stylist immediately following the appointment, not months later. Please be patient and allow that stylist time to properly address and remedy the issue.
“Note, if having such a conversation in person makes your uncomfortable, please use your stylist’s preferred communication method whether that be by phone or email.”
No5: Arrive with Realistic Expectations
With natural hair, patience is truly a virtue. Be realistic about the hair you brought to the salon. If you had unfavorable hair care practices prior to booking this first appointment, everything that you did to your hair in the past won’t magically be fixed in one appointment, two or even several.
It can take several months to years to reverse damage. Remember how long you’ve been natural, along with how long you’ve been holding it down all on your own.
We definitely encourage you to arrive to your first appointment with 2 to 3 inspo photos and be able to clearly communicate with your stylist on what you specifically like about those photos. From there, your stylist can help guide you to meet your hair goals and you will be well on your way to a healthy hair care routine.
Struggling to Find a Curl Specialist Near You?
In case you didn’t know, we have comprised a free online directory of 180+ independent stylists across the US (even some abroad) who have taken varying levels of tight curl education with our professional company, Cut It Kinky.
If you’re unable to locate a stylist in your area, check out this blog post for useful tips/suggestions.
Want to learn how to properly care for your natural hair? We cover all the natural hair fundamentals and more in our digital consumer education platform, The SeeSomeCurls Visual Library.
Our 1.1K+ course community of tight curl + naturals are shaving more than 50% of time off their wash day, being showered left and right with hair compliments, and are receiving direct support of a very encouraging community of tight curlies + naturals who have been exactly where you are.