3 Ways to Help Simplify Your Natural Hair Care Routine in 2023
As licensed stylists + tight curl educators who have been on Beyoncé’s Internet since 2015, our mission is to share simple and accurate info that not only helps you reach your curl goals, but we also want to prepare you for the day you decide to partner with a licensed stylist.
What we teach in our educational resources, Wash Your Damn Hair, our comprehensive digital textbook and The SeeSomeCurls Visual Library, our consumer education platform, is not a “method.” It’s simple fundamental haircare based on applied cosmetology theory and hands in hair practical experience with thousands of tight curlies + naturals.
This blog post will discuss 3 ways that you will help your simplify your natural hair care routine in 2023 and beyond.
#1: Stick to a Consistent Cleansing & Conditioning Routine
Now is the perfect time to develop a solid cleansing, conditioning and styling routine for the new year. Depending on your lifestyle (i.e. if you regularly work out, work a dirty job, are a busy professional/mom), we typically recommend going through your full cleansing and conditioning routine at least every 5 to 7 days.
Reality being as it is, your intervals may range from every two days to every three weeks. We don’t really advocate you go longer than 10-14 days, but we understand things happen. Just, don’t make it a habit!
#2: Seek Out Proper Natural Hair Care Education
As we’ve discussed in previous blog posts, it’s very important that we verify our sources. Seeking out hair care advice online from individuals who only have direct experience caring for/styling their own hair is not going to be the most beneficial for YOUR hair and hair goals.
We highly recommend seeking out education curated by licensed professionals. In addition to our education resources, there are a few other natural hair education platforms available led by licensed stylists that will help you learn your natural hair and better care for it. Make sure you do your research to find the resource that best resonates with you.
#3: Partner with a Licensed Professional
Partnering with the right professional can make or break the overall state and condition of your hair. This is precisely why choosing the appropriate professional for the job of taking care of your hair is so important!.
We want to emphasize that it’s very important to do your research when vetting out a new stylist. Narrow down how you would like to show up in the world. This is where you decide how you would like to wear your hair. We must point out if you’re someone who likes to switch it up, you may not be able to find a stylist who does it all.
In addition, it’s important to have realistic expectations prior to your first salon appointment. Although stylists are able to create magic, we’re not complete magicians and are unable to reverse months or even years of damage to your hair in one single appointment. Be patient, be open and allow grace when embarking into a new relationship with a professional stylist.
If you’re looking to partner with a curl artist in your area, check out our online directory comprised of 180+ licensed, independent stylists across the U.S. (even some abroad) who have taken formal education with our professional education company—Cut It Kinky.
If you’re unable to locate a professional in your area, please check out this blog post for 3 helpful tips.
Ready to Simplify Your Natural Hair Care Routine?
If you’re spending all day washing and styling your natural hair, re-twisting your hair nightly or experiencing wash and go’s that just don’t “go", then this is a great time for you to join us for the 30DayHairDetox experience!
Originally created by us (Aeleise + Aishia) in 2015, the 30DayHairDetox is a complete mindset shift on how we perceive and treat our natural hair. We challenge you to go 30 days without raw shea butter, raw coconut oil, raw castor oil, Eco Styler and products that include in the first five ingredients.
What may sound completely crazy has actually lead to thousands of women like you falling in love with their hair all over again!
Pictured: Krystal, Bowie, MD
(Left image) April 2020 vs. (Right image) October 2022
“The pandemic forced me to really deal with my hair with no extensions or wigs. Doing the 30dayhairdetox made me finally feel confident enough to wear my hair in its natural state without shame.”
Ready to slay like our curlfriend, Krystal?